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Trust your whole being
- your body, mind and soul -
to guide and resource you.

What I Do

I am devoted to helping people open up to more love; love for themselves, others and the world. I do this by inviting you to be guided by the wisdom that pulses in your body, and beyond. The kind of wisdom that is not found in rational thinking, a book or someone else.


The techniques I use include movement/dance, meditations, writing, drawing, dream work and reflective conversation. I facilitate individual and group sessions, drawing on years of professional and personal practice. I weave the soulful and spiritual with the skills I developed while previously working as a clinical psychologist.


Over time I found that we all have deep, healing reserves within us but often we have not been show how to access these, or have disconnected from them. Tapping into these offers a gift way beyond ourselves; it ripples out out to family, community and beyond.


Together, we will be walking hand-in-hand: I am here to honour, support and witness your journey. Be prepared to be in awe of yourself! Be prepared to develop deeper compassion for yourself. Be ready to take the next steps.


We all have an inner wisdom that can help and heal us. Most of us were never told this, or lost contact with it long ago.



Dreamwork Sessions

Your dreams are brimming with rich guidance on how to live a soulful life. They hold treasures waiting to be discovered. 


Ways to Meet What Life Throws You: In-person, evening workshops for women seeking inner resources for life’s challenges.


Dream It Awake :

A dream group for the adventurous.

Book a date with your dreams to unlock the inspiration and potential they offer. 

My Story


I have experienced life’s ups and downs, and am humbled by the pain and beauty of life. Family ruptures and traumas, and the heartbreak of relationships ending, are woven through my journey. Parenting brings me to my edge at times. I will be sitting with you as a fellow traveller; not as someone who knows better than you.


As a child, I lost connection with my inner compass, and rediscovering it decades later has deeply influenced my life and work. I started listening to and following this inner sense, instead of being ruled only by logic, self-limiting patterns and social expectations. The more that I followed the wisdom of my heart and body - by moving, feeling and expressing - the more grounded, strong and connected I felt. I am honoured to work with others so that they might feel this too, a sense of ‘coming home’, and of emerging strong together.


From early on, I was inspired by people’s stories through reading, listening and writing, and started my working life as a journalist. My ambition to help others through writing was not met by the reality of working in the media. Then there was a traumatic rupture in my family. I shut down many parts of myself, including my creativity; the words no longer flowed. 


What emerged through this pain was another way to honour stories and support change; becoming a psychologist. I have a doctorate in clinical psychology, and spent 15 years working as a psychologist with children, families and adults. From this solid foundation, in my facilitation I invite fellow humans to meet themselves with curiosity and love.


"Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity and ageless knowing"

Clarissa Pinkola Estes

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© 2024 ~ Dr Sarah Ford

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